About hobbies and crafts I like. I started this blog when I was 9 years old and now I am 13 years old so thats really the age group I suppose it will appeal to.
Welcome and enjoy :)
Ripped stockings (although she did cut herself once)....
Ripped jeans
Since I joined my new school, which has a black and white uniform (recommendation), I have been looking at interesting ways to dress differently for school, each day, that push the limits. Most of the kids just wear black trousers and white or black shirts with jumpers but some of the kids wear other black clothing and short dresses (that aren't allowed, but they get away with it. And a couple of the kids have goth tendancies which is cool. Its my creative design spirit and its just me to be different :)
So yesterday I had this idea to cut one of my black shirts to make it more creative.
What I did before looking at anything on the internet was cut a series of lines into the TShirt along the outside of the sleeves (long sleeves) and also the sides of the body of the shirt.
It came out way cool and I wore a black and white print Tvest under it and I was very happy with it.
Today I decided to have a look on the internet and see if I can find the type of shirt I made as I had only seen it in a music video and I was happy to find quite a few other designs that have been used by people and I am going to post them here to give you some inspiration if you want to try this yourself.
I am going to add my CUT-TEES designs to my JUST GINNY clothing range which also includes tie-dyed jeans and other threads, as well as my jewellery.
Oh yes and BTW I turn 13 last week! Epic :D
This is a cutting design for the back with braiding
Then I found these cool bandage leggings:
and cut leggings
This girl used a couple of different ideas with her purple, custom printed Tshirt:
I have decided to add some tiedyed designs to my Just Ginny range. This is in addition to my jewellery and art.
So far I have several tshirts - mostly in blacks, purples and pinks which I have tiedyed in my own style and some jeans and a hoodie. They all came out cool.